Picture Lock

This is what it looks like when you’ve been telling and retelling a story for several years, and you’re trying to find the right way to wrap it up. From left to right, those screenshots were from March 28th, July 26th, and August 20th (all 2015) when we shot and re-shot some of my segments … [Read more…]
It’s now down to the edit, but we need your help!

Last month we collected our remaining interviews and are now deeply entrenched within the editing process. As I’ve compiled interviews and edited the story together, the need to interview Joe has become more and more evident. I hope to persuade him to submit to an interview within the next month or two. I think being … [Read more…]
The Film, Feedback and Where We’re At

Currently, we are in the midst of postproduction for The Flock. On May 6th we had the opportunity to show a short preview of our documentary at California State University, Chico. I received a sabbatical during the fall 2013 semester to work specifically on our film and Tuesday’s colloquium allowed me to present our project … [Read more…]
the Stories We Tell

Stories We Tell is in my top 5 for 2013, and probably in Cara’s top 10, if not higher. There have been many times when I’ve talked about our documentary that I’ve suggested this movie to people, as something to watch with a similar take on a different story. It shares many themes with our film, … [Read more…]
stuck in Flagstaff

Skyelar and I are sitting in a motel in Flagstaff watching a Zac Efron movie. We had a great 3-week run around the country interviewing people for the documentary, but this is not the end of the road that any of us expected. We left Memphis Thursday afternoon (July 11th), right on schedule. The Dolphin … [Read more…]
two weeks in

We’re two weeks into our trip now and I’ve been too busy to really write much of an update on our progress. According to the crew, I keep telling the same stories over and over again to each person we come across, and some how laugh at my own jokes every time as if they’re … [Read more…]
First Day of Summer

It’s fitting that we left for our trip down South on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. The Dolphin is packed with gear, food, and our sweaty crew. Plenty of miles and adventures lie ahead. I’ll be posting more as we go along. Follow us on Twitter, or on Vine, or both … [Read more…]
the Dolphin

Our faithful ship for this odyssey to the South is our beloved little Dolphin RV, seen below on a few of its trips. After suffering through his first Burning Man baking in a tent in 2008, Joe decided that a simple RV would be the best thing for those adventures. We thought we wouldn’t get … [Read more…]